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Guinness World Records: Gamer'S Edition de Guinness World Records

Descripci贸n - From the global authority in record-breaking comes the 11th edition of the world's best-selling videogames annual. Packed with the latest records, coolest stars and the biggest games, the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition is the go-to bible for every gaming fan. Just ask the five million readers who've made it an international sensation! Inside you'll find amazing stats, thrilling facts, inspirational tales, lightning-quick speed-runs and dazzling photos. Read about the records behind your favourite games including Mario, Overwatch, FIFA, WWE and Rocket League, plus recap on a year of crazy Pokemon GO stories. Go behind the scenes of the world's longest-running eSports organizer. Spook yourself silly with real-life videogame mysteries. Check out the fastest videogame completions. And gaze in envy at the world's largest Zelda and Tomb Raider collections! You'll also meet gaming heroes such as the world's oldest games YouTuber at 81, a man with a real-life cyborg arm that was inspired by Deus Ex, and the kingpin of eSports fighting games. But the videogame stars don't get much bigger than DanTDM, whose Minecraft channel has been watched nearly 10 billion times!So we're thrilled he's written a special intro just for the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Speaking of heroes...grab your cape and turn to this year's special chapter featuring superhero games. It hard to believe it's been nearly 40 years since Superman first exploded onto our consoles! So, we're celebrating with your favourite costumed crime-battlers. From Spider-Man's web-crawling to Batman's gadgetry, they're just as powerful in pixels as they are in the movies. So, whether you want to know who scored the fastest goal in FIFA or achieved the fastest speed-run of Final Fantasy XV, or just want to see the world's biggest Game Boy, this is the book for you! Nota de la solapa From the global authority in record-breaking comes the 11th edition of the world's best-selling videogames annual. Packed with the latest records, coolest stars and the biggest games, the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition is the go-to bible for every gaming fan. Just ask the five million readers who've made it an international sensation! Inside you'll find amazing stats, thrilling facts, inspirational tales, lightning-quick speed-runs and dazzling photos. Read about the records behind your favourite games including Mario, Overwatch, FIFA, WWE and Rocket League, plus recap on a year of crazy Pokemon GO stories. Go behind the scenes of the world's longest-running eSports organizer. Spook yourself silly with real-life videogame mysteries. Check out the fastest videogame completions. And gaze in envy at the world's largest Zelda and Tomb Raider collections! You'll also meet gaming heroes such as the world's oldest games YouTuber at 81, a man with a real-life cyborg arm that was inspired by Deus Ex, and the kingpin of eSports fighting games. But the videogame stars don't get much bigger than DanTDM, whose Minecraft channel has been watched nearly 10 billion times!So we're thrilled he's written a special intro just for the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Speaking of heroes...grab your cape and turn to this year's special chapter featuring superhero games. It hard to believe it's been nearly 40 years since Superman first exploded onto our consoles! So, we're celebrating with your favourite costumed crime-battlers. From Spider-Man's web-crawling to Batman's gadgetry, they're just as powerful in pixels as they are in the movies. So, whether you want to know who scored the fastest goal in FIFA or achieved the fastest speed-run of Final Fantasy XV, or just want to see the world's biggest Game Boy, this is the book for you! Contraportada From the global authority in record-breaking comes the 11th edition of the world's best-selling videogames annual. Packed with the latest records, coolest stars and the biggest games, the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition is the go-to bible for every gaming fan. Just ask the five million readers who've made it an international sensation! Inside you'll find amazing stats, thrilling facts, inspirational tales, lightning-quick speed-runs and dazzling photos. Read about the records behind your favourite games including Mario, Overwatch, FIFA, WWE and Rocket League, plus recap on a year of crazy Pokemon GO stories. Go behind the scenes of the world's longest-running eSports organizer. Spook yourself silly with real-life videogame mysteries. Check out the fastest videogame completions. And gaze in envy at the world's largest Zelda and Tomb Raider collections! You'll also meet gaming heroes such as the world's oldest games YouTuber at 81, a man with a real-life cyborg arm that was inspired by Deus Ex, and the kingpin of eSports fighting games. But the videogame stars don't get much bigger than DanTDM, whose Minecraft channel has been watched nearly 10 billion times!So we're thrilled he's written a special intro just for the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition. Speaking of heroes...grab your cape and turn to this year's special chapter featuring superhero games. It hard to believe it's been nearly 40 years since Superman first exploded onto our consoles! So, we're celebrating with your favourite costumed crime-battlers. From Spider-Man's web-crawling to Batman's gadgetry, they're just as powerful in pixels as they are in the movies. So, whether you want to know who scored the fastest goal in FIFA or achieved the fastest speed-run of Final Fantasy XV, or just want to see the world's biggest Game Boy, this is the book for you! Biograf铆a del autor In 1951, Sir Hugh Beaver, the then managing director of the Guinness Brewery, went on a shooting party and became involved in an argument. Which was the fastest game bird in Europe - the golden plover or the grouse? He realized then that a book supplying the answers to this sort of question might prove popular. He was right! Sir Hugh's idea became reality when Norris and Ross McWhirter, who had been running a fact-finding agency in London, were commissioned to compile what became The Guinness Book of Records. The first edition was bound on August 27, 1955, and went to the top of the British bestseller lists by Christmas that year. Since then, Guinness World RecordsT has become a household name and the global leader in world records. No other enterprise collects, confirms, accredits and presents world record data with the same investment in comprehensiveness and authenticity.

Detalles del Libro

Autor: Guinness World Records
Categoria: Libros,Infantil,Educaci贸n y consulta
Tapa blanda: 215 p谩ginas
Editor: Guinness World Records Limited; Edici贸n: 01 (1 de septiembre de 2017)
Colecci贸n: Guinness World Records
Idioma: Ingl茅s
ISBN-10: 1910561738
ISBN-13: 978-1910561737

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